Physics Peta

My First Blog writing ELECTRIC FAN Parts and Functions Front Guard & Rear Guard It is a protective metal mesh wire used to prevent the fan blade from any physical contact with foreign objects. Blade Cap helps the fan blade to tighten and prevents the blade from loosening. The fan blade is to push air downward while creating a downward raft and making the room feel cooler. As an outcome, these blades can push air either up towards the fan or downwards towards the floor. Guard Fixing Ring It can use to lock the blades of Electric Fan to avoid loosening. Clip it is used to lock the Front and Rear Guards of Electric Fan to secure the blades of Fan so that it can avoid harm to people especially to children. A swivel Button is used to turn left and right the head of the Electric Fan that gives air to the spaces. Motor Cover Contains the electric motor - the rotor to which the blade assembly is attached. Slide Pi...